Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My heart's devotion 4/16/2012

So this is like the last real week of this transfer and I think that it is CRAZY that time has flown by so fast already! So yesterday we actually went to this branch called the Rockdale branch. I guess out here we cover these tiny towns that are outside of Taylor... And those small towns are part of the Rockdale Branch. We hardly get to go out there because of miles and also because church is at the exact same time as the Taylor ward, but yesterday we decided to go. The Elder's quorum president lives in our ward but goes there because he was called to be the Quorum president.. so he gave us a ride and then after church we went out and tried to find some less-actives and also to tract and find some new investigators. Church was interesting because they meet in the tiniest cutest little building I have ever seen. The chapel was just this small room with a divider down the middle that they put up afterwards and that splits it up for Sunday school and then Priesthood and Relief Society. It was crazy and there was like 8 people there I am pretty sure... Okay there were totally more but it was small... I guess there are 89 Households on the list... But when I was sitting there I was like, this is probably how many people showed up to the mission creek ward in San Antonio. It was small but thats because everyone was not active. But it was a cool experience. We met this one lady who started crying and said that she knew God had sent us to her. It was a great feeling to KNOW that thats true! It was a good day.

Barbara is doing well. She is very excited to get baptized, we just dont know when yet... I'm sure it will be in the next couple of weeks though! :)Robert is doing well too! He is such a cool guy and he is trying to work on getting himself a "testament" as he says... really a testimony. But he says that he is really impressed with the church and that it is the best church he has ever been to... Duh! But I like teaching him a lot and I can forsee him getting baptized within the next few months or so...? Hooray!

We have talked to a few people who are really cool! OH MY GOSH! Tonight we are going by this lady that we had a GREAT conversation with and then she was busy right then but she said we could come back. She scheduled us into her phone and we are totally going by tonight. So was like, "I am really excited to meet with you all!" It was great. We asked her some though provoking questions that made her really wonder about church and kinda gave her more of a desire to learn about it and stuff. So I am stoked.We pretty much see tender mercies every day and its fun to see. But its been a good week so far!

I think something that was highlighted in my week was the fact that I need to pay attention to where I am when I am there. Because on multiple occasions we went by our plan and we were somewhere and what we maybe had originally planned to do or who we had planned to go by fell through, but there was a great opportunity there to talk to someone else or do something else that was way beneficial too. And I think sometimes things dont really pan out (if thats even an expression?) or they dont happen the way we expect or want them to, but there is a hidden opportunity waiting for us. And I think that if we arent aware that those chances are there, we lose the ability to bless the life of someone else. So thats really my challenge is to look for the opportunity that arises from those sorts of things.... Hopefully that whole thing made sense because I feel like I am just typing and I am not sure what is going from my brain to my fingers to the computer so sorry if its all confusing.Anyway.

I love this work even though some days I wish I could be on a beach somewhere. OH p.s. I hope you are okay with me moving to Puerto Rico as soon as I get back because you all KNOW that that is totally going to happen. Just warning you right now. But everything I do every day is so worth it and makes me feel like I am more worth it... You know? Not like L'oreal but I mean like I really do have a purpose being here and that I can accomplish that purpose.
I hope you have a great week!

<3 Always,Elder Kyle David Webb

P.S. The weather has been okay. Pretty cloudy but its been nice! I havent even heard of tornadoes but actually it has been somewhat windy... who even knows?Also. We did service at a thrift store! Oh my goodness it was crazy. I dont think I could deal with people's old/used stuff. I will NEVER in my life be a hoarder. Gross. I hate too much stuff!

Dia de Pascua 4/9/2012

Its kinda weird to say that this was my second slash last Easter whilest being on a mission... But its good to hear that you all enjoyed the holiday and everything seems to be going well.

My day yesterday was good. Our dinner canceled on us so we were just banking on someone at church asking where we were going and inviting us over. Which finally happened last hour. We ate with this family who is really from California and they are in love with Disney and they are very culturally knowledgable if that makes sense. That pretty much means they know stuff and have different interests and have opinions on things. And I like people like that because conversations are always easy to have. They actually have a son who is going to be heading out to the Utah Ogden mission in July so thats kinda fun... He isnt too happy about the wait but he is very excited. They are a nice family and it was fun to spend some time with them.

We also taught this 11 year old girl that wants to be baptized. Her name is Marissa. Her mother is a returned missionary who sadly doesnt go to church any more... Theres a lot more to the story that we dont really know for sure but she is really nice and willing to let us come and teach and baptize her daughter. I just hope she will come back into activity. Her parents actually live with them and they are 'active' in the church they just can never come because the grandma has alzheimers and I think the husband isnt in full health either but they get the sacrament brought to them. But yesterday Marissa's grandpa learned that I was from California and he came out to see where I was from... He then informed me that he had a best friend growing up named DAVID WEBB! And then I got all freaked out and he said that David was like 70 so I was like, that is NOT my dad... but my dad has that same name... And I kinda do too if you take the Kyle off... But it was kinda funny and weird. He also said that That david lives in Seattle or something now. Its always funny because everyone is like, "Oh I know some Webbs..." and I always get to be like, "Well I am not related to them because there arent that many that I am CLOSELY related to..."

Robert is my favorite man ever. He is so smart and has good questions. I think he knows the church is true, he is just kinda waiting to be more ready before he is baptized. Robert is pretty much more active than some members, so it'll be sweet when he is baptized and they are sealed. The other day we actually talked a little bit about temples and they were like, "Yeah we need to go get that whole eternal marriage thing done!" So they are preparing for it!

Barbara is totally doing great. We had a few first lessons this week that went well. There was one lady that we have a return appt with who said she likes to go to different churches because she is seeking the truth and she feels she has not found it yet. We are excited to go back.

The weeks are so long but go by so fast. Its crazy. But this week has overall been pretty good. The real thing I want to say is that every week Dad sends me a little "happy thought" or something and EVERY WEEK without fail the happy thought applies directly to something that I need. So if thats not inspiration I really dont know what is.

I read from the book of mormon and the New Testament every day and its crazy how much I learn. The funny thing to me is that all of these people just pass out about the fact that we have another book and we have a different god and a different christ or all of this kind of stuff. They honestly just make a mess about it.... But when in reality all of our doctrine comes straight from the Bible. Its so simple and clear in there and still people can get confused and take it for totally different. I'm just so glad that everything about this gospel makes sense, because when I read the bible, I gain more understanding and I feel like my testimony is strengthened in the fact that this organization is on the right track. Like totally. I am looking forward to another great week and I am grateful for all of the prayers in my behalf. Its great to know I have such a strong support system and to feel the power from that.

Have a great week!<3 Always,Elder Kyle David Webb

April Fools? 4/2/2012

This year I would like to say that anyone who didnt like conference is an April straight up FOOL! For real it was so great and I am pretty sure I was like so happy the entire time. Its crazy how much it like recharges me and I cannot believe I have not been paying attention for all these years. I am so ready for the Ensign to come out though because I want to read those talks over and over. Its amazing how much truth really just makes sense and things that they say just add upon my understanding and make me feel like I have a grasp on more than I do. I kept praying for weeks before conference that I would be able to hear and understand the message that God wanted me to have, and I feel like I did. I have a greater testimony of a living prophet, and I have a greater desire to build up the kingdom of God and serve his children with way more love. Although now I am going to get a tattoo that says, "Dont judge me just because I sin differently than you." Doesnt that bring you comfort to hear?!We got to watch conference at the ward building for one session and then at some members' homes which was fun. And nice. The investigators that we have watched general conference and LOVED IT! Like Barbara, , she said she was just crying because she loved it so much. She is totally getting baptized. She told us she is like always on lds.org listening to things and reading from the book of mormon. We brought a member with us and they just hit it off great and Barbara was asking her questions and all these kinds of things. It was great. And I just felt the spirit just thinking about how people all over the world with tons of different backgrounds and beliefs are converted to this church... because it is Christ's true and living gospel. And that feels good to see people who have struggled to make that change but have overcome obstacles and are thriving in the gospel. Its awesome.Another investigator that we have is a man named Robert. His wife got baptized not too long ago and she is just ON FIRE! And so now he is learning but he wants to take it slow so he knows he really has his own testimony and isnt just joining the church because of his wife. But he is so hilarious. I havent had a chance to teach him yet but I've eaten with him. But he is an awesome guy and is totally reading and praying and everything we invite him to do. I just love the decent hearted people in this world.We've also been knocking and thats fun to talk to a bunch of people. Although knocking doesnt bring much success, its a way to kill time I guess and the only thing we really know to do after we've tried other things. But I mean its fun to meet different people. Oh my gosh. My hands hurt so bad. We were playing volleyball just Elder Fordham and I this morning to work out and now my hands are all like weird feeling. But it was so legitness crazy fun. We just hit it back and forth and its just fun. I am way excited for another week to work and see miracles. If you are wondering how I like the area, I LOVE IT! Honestly I have no idea why but this place is so great. Its like country but suburbia and also like ghetto is some parts and just the people are great. The ward is great. My companion is great. I am just always enjoying myself even if circumstances try to convince me otherwise. I really do enjoy this area a lot though. Everything is great. I am taking care of myself. I love life. General conference was the bee's knees. Easter is coming up. No complaints from over here.
<3 Always,Elder Kyle David Webb

Sunshinez 3/26/2012

This week has been a much needed excellent week!First of all I will start by saying that we are teaching this woman named Barbara is interested in being baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The missionaries had been teaching her for a while before I got here and so she is still learning and stuff. But she said that when she came to church she enjoyed it because at so many other churches that she has been to, nobody was 'happy' to be there. It wasnt a joyous thing to go and worship God. And she said that there was just this spirit of everyone being happy to be there and enjoying their time at church. And she really liked that. And according to Elder Fordham she has just eaten up everything that they teach her and she likes the book of mormon and she is really looking forward to General Conferene. She is so nice and I am looking forward to seeing her progress. We also were so blessed to be able to teach quite a few first lessons this week. I guess not TONS but a lot more than what I have seen recently. It is so amazing when you talk with someone for a while and then they are open to having you come in and share this wonderful message with them. Its also a little stressful because of how important first impressions are. And if they dont feel the spirit or see a relevance for their own life, they wont want to continue and learn more. So for me at least, I always feel a little bit of pressure but then I just remember the promise of opening our mouths and it being given to us and I can relax a little bit more. :) We have met a lot of great people this week. And I really enjoy this area because more often than not people are so friendly and nice and will actually talk to you for a little while instead of just slamming the door in your face. And that is really appreciated. The ward is great and there were so many powerful testimonies yesterday.I really like talking to people. Especially because the more people that I talk to the more it affirms the truthfulness of what we have. There is so much confusion in the world and so many different ideas and opinions. And to me a lot of them dont line up with one another and really many things that people say will be very contradicting. And when I think about what I have learned and what I know from the Holy Ghost, it just makes so much sense. I am so grateful for the clarity and simplicity of the gospel. Its pretty rad.I am IN LOVE with the weather we have been having. Its been SUNNY and totally warm and just beautiful outside. I love it! It is getting rather warm though. I can tell summer is right around the corner and it will be a long one to work it, but I am stoked to have nice weather. We have had a great week and its been fun too! I am really enjoying my time and trying to cherish it because it really does go by SUPER fast. Actually today in an e-mail president sent out he said, "Your mission will be over before you know it. So make the most of every moment." And that was kinda weird to hear because it really does go by fast. If you ever have another opportunity to talk with the youth again which I already know that you do this already but just add emphasis from me. And tell them just congratulations for striving to do whats right. And for being at activities and being involved with church. I am seeing more and more how the youth play such an important part in this work and they are such strong examples. And its weird because I still feel like a youth and I sure as heck still look like one, but I am just really impressed with the kids who are trying to do the right thing and to be an example to those around them. Sometimes I wish I could go back and be a better example to some people, and to really share the gospel even more. Although I was thinking back and I invited people to hear the gospel a lot. And I had a lot of experiences of sharing the gospel. Which I am grateful for because some kids who grow up with just mormons dont get that opportunity. But I did and I am grateful for that. So just make sure the youth know that missionaries are proud of them. At least I am...Well. I love the sunshine. :)<3 Always,Elder Kyle David Webb

Hutto Hippos 3/19/2012

Tay-Tay say Hey, Hey. 3/19/2012

This is pretty much the funniest thing ever. I have been transferred three times and hit 3 different areas in the SAME ZONE!! I cannot get out of the Round Rock Zone/ area if you will. So I didnt move too far. Well I guess because I am more out in the country now. But it is so great. I am not in a Spanish area but I am pretty sure I am totally done hoping for one because its like impossible to get there. And I decided that I am efficient enough in spanish because every person I talk to I can hold out a conversation on a plethera of things and they all tell me that I talk really well. So I am okay if I never go to a spanish area. But who knows? So my new companion's name is Elder Fordham. And I will tell you straight up he is like my best friend I am pretty sure. I knew him from before because we have met a few different times and then of course last transfer we were in the same zone and played volleyball together and we made a good team on the court. Anyway. He is from Salt Lake City Utah... Obviously... But he is really cool and we are a lot alike and we have tons of fun together. And its very easy to teach with him and we talk with people nicely together. Its pretty much my favorite companionship ever. So I am very stoked about that. It was funny because before the transfer meeting I was sitting there talking with him for a long time and like getting to know him and more about his area.. and then we find out that we were companions and it was just so funny. But I am way excited for this transfer. He says there are some sweet people we are teaching and the ward is pretty great, so its going to be so incredible. (So Taylor is kinda like a country small town-ish place I guess. Our area covers also a town called Hutto. Which is the most legit place on the face of the earth because their high school mascott is a... wait for it... HIPPO! WHAT!? Totally rad, right? So the story goes:A long time ago there was a train passing through that was carrying some animals on it or something. And somehow a hippo got loose and was running all around the town and it was crazy and they finally caught it and got it away safely and stuff.. So anyway everyone is OBSESSED with hippos and there are hippo decorations on lawn and houses and stores EVERYWHERE! Its funny.The chapel is the SMALLEST THING EVER. There are like 7 pews in it and the building is just a little miniature. And apparently we cover a tiny Rockdale branch as well but its forever away and meets at the same time so we hardly ever go there. But I hear its so TINY! Thats cool. In reality, this week has been the most boss of my life. I am kinda like curious as to what I should think or whatever because I am in the country and its an interesting place, but so far all of the people we knocked into are really nice and its been great. I love my companion and I love the area so far. No complaints from this week. I am in Taylor/Hutto and I am eating it up.P.S. We are in a TRUCK! No bikes. Which I am kinda sad about because I really enjoyed riding around! Anyway we drive a Chevy Colorado (Dad. Cause I'm sure you would be interested to know. :) Oh an I am the driver. So I just look fly while sharing the gospel! I am so blessed and happy! :)Have a fantastic week!<3 Always,Elder Kyle David Webb

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mindfreak 3/12/2012

First of all. I just finished my first transfer in the Walsh Ranch ward. And a transfer is a six week period of time and pretty much what we go by as missionaries. Anyway so that means that last night we recieved a certain call.... And I am actually being transfered!! What the heck!? This like never happens. But I am so extremely excited because I LOVE change. I love getting a new companion and esspecially a new area. So I am looking forward to finding out where I will be serving and who I will be with. Again I find out on Thursday. But isnt that just crazy!?
This week has probably been the hardest week of my entire mission. Straight up. We taught zero lessons and the weather decided to murder us for half of the week. It was DOWNPOURING rain and super dooper cold. And it was so random. Dont get me wrong, I am so grateful for the rain because we need it, but when you're out riding a bike and geting soaked and muddy, it is pretty miserable. So on top of the weather we didnt get to teach anybody at all. It was so hard.
I know that this transfer was inspired by God. I have prayed for more humility in the past and the answer has been gracing my presence this past 6 weeks. I have had to rely on Heavenly Father's help in every aspect of the work so much. So yeah, this week has been a big struggle but this whole transfer has been worth it. Learning so much and really striving to find/follow the spirit.
Great news. I found out that this family that I was teaching in Leander is getting baptized. Well... the mother is this in-active woman who hasnt been to church for a while but wanted to come back. Her dad is still active. They come from really humble circumstances and stuff and they were just so legit. So Elder Caldwell told me that 3 of her 6 children are getting baptized! I am SO EXCITED for them. And he said that Anglea, the mom, offered this really sincer heartfelt prayer just thanking God for the gospel back in her life. It was such a great experience to teach them and I am so glad that they are accepting the gospel. When I was there, the oldest daughter who is about 16 was reading the book of mormon as a bedtime story to the rest of her siblings before they went to sleep. And she was highlighting it and just really being so sincere and it was the most legit thing ever. I loved how involved she was and it really helped the other kids too. Such valient spirits :)
This life is crazy. And I love it. One thing that I said to my companion that I thought about and that is so true is that when we become missionaries, like when we sign the paper and say we are on board, ourselves go out the window... its no longer about us, but about blessing the lives of God's children. And I thought about that and really the happiest times in my life are when I was not focused on myself or what I wanted. And as you all very well know, I am prideful and like myself a lot. But the best times in my life have been when my focus is on someone else. And I love that aspect about this work. It is not about me. At all. And that is something I strive to think about every day and it helps me get through the days that just want to pull me down into discouragement.
I am so grateful for the knowledge and testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
It is crazy because I just got here, and I am already heading off to a new place!
<3 Always,
Elder Kyle David Webb